• 3762 Williamson Rd
    Roanoke Virginia 24012
  • Monday-Friday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm
24/7 Emergency Service

(540) 265-0144


Heat Pumps


Like any appliance, a heat-pump needs to be maintained each year. This includes 

  • Inspect ducts, filters, blower, and indoor coil for dirt and other obstructions.
  • Diagnose and seal duct leakage
  • Verify adequate airflow by measurement
  • Verify correct refrigerant charge by measurement
  • Check for refrigerant leaks
  • Inspect electric terminals, and if necessary, clean and tighten connections and apply nonconductive coating
  • Lubricate motors and inspect belts for tightness and wear
  • Verify correct electric control, making sure that heating is locked out when the thermostat calls for cooling and vice-versa
  • Verify correct thermostat operation



The worse time for your heat pump to fail is on the dog days of summer or on a bitter winter night. Baker Heating & Air offers emergency service to make sure you don’t freeze or burn up. If you notice any of the following issues, give us a call so we can get your heat pump fixed and get it working properly again.

  • Not blowing hot or cold air when it’s supposed to
  • Reduced output from your vents
  • Not running as long as it should
  • Ice on the unit
  • Energy bill higher than normal
  • Unusual noises or smells

Due to the mild climate in the Roanoke area, heat pumps are a great choice for your heating and cooling needs. A heat pump is a standalone, two-component appliance that uses refrigeration technology and electricity to provide heating and cooling to both homes and businesses. 

The heat pumps remove heat from the outside air and disperse it throughout your house through ductwork. In the summer, it removes heat from the inside of your home and pushes it outside. Heat pumps are very beneficial because they are more eco-friendly and energy-efficient. They also typically offer a longer lifespan than your traditional furnace or air conditioning unit. 

Book your appointment today to talk to us about installing a new energy-efficient heat pump in your home. We also offer financing on most models.